Beatrice Sommer

Brand Report Berlin Dashboard

We have analyzed all branded hotels and pipeline hotels on the Berlin hotel market and made them available to you in an interactive dashboard. Almost 50,000 rooms are recorded and can be filtered according to various criteria such as umbrella brand, brand, classification or brand type.

Brand Report Berlin Dashboard weiterlesen »

Trust remains the foundation in the tourism industry

What concerns a person responsible for tourism marketing in North America and Australia for the country of Austria in the midst of a pandemic where travel from the States is all but banned? What is the current situation in the United States, what can we in Europe take away from this country and what will travel look like in the future? Listen in to our latest podcast.

Trust remains the foundation in the tourism industry weiterlesen »

Digitization as a competitive advantage in and after the crisis

Dr. Josef Vollmayr and Nils Ziehn from Limehome exclusively in an interview with mrp hotels. In an interesting exchange, they give an insight into their company and how they manage to optimize their processes both internally and for the guest through digitalization. As co-founder and managing director, Dr. Josef Vollmayr talks about the expansion and development of the company as well as the opportunities and lessons learned from the pandemic.

Digitization as a competitive advantage in and after the crisis weiterlesen »

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