Part 3: Light and shadow: mrp hotels analyses the current situation for tourism on the financial markets together with Monika Rosen-Philipp.

Videocast with Monika Rosen

In the third part of the video series by mrp hotels, Monika Rosen-Philipp specifically addresses the topic of ESG as well as the effects of the climate summit in Glasgow.

The topic of ESG (Environmental Social Governance) is currently on everyone’s lips and is also omnipresent on the stock exchange. Tourism is particularly affected here, as many tourist destinations are particularly threatened by climate change.

At the climate summit in Glasgow, the industry wants to present a position paper: The goal is to halve emissions by 2030 – an ambitious target, as greenhouse gas emissions in tourism increased by 50% between 2005 and 2015.

Investors are increasingly demanding that ESG criteria are also reflected in the investment instrument. Companies are assessed according to these criteria and must comply with these requirements.


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